All About Zucchini

Zucchini is one of the most popular veggies to grow at home, and for excellent reasons. It’s straightforward to care for and each plant yields an astonishing amount of squash.

Summer squash thrives with full sun, warm temperatures, and rich, well-draining soil. Dig into these growing guides to learn all about how to grow zucchini for your best harvest yet.

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Learn what to do about common zucchini pests.

Easy Treatments for 5 Common Zucchini Pests

If you feel disheartened by a seemingly endless list of garden pests, don’t worry. There are plenty of simple solutions for most zucchini plant problems. Learn safe, natural ways to get rid of zucchini pests before they can damage your crops.

6 Awesome Tricks for Growing Zucchini Seeds

Several zucchini plants yield enough fruit to feed a small village, so you’ll have plenty to share. Let’s find out how to grow zucchini from seed and keep your plants flourishing from planting until harvest time.