All About Tomatillos

Tomatillos, also known as Mexican husk tomatoes, are a classic ingredient in some of our favorite Mexican recipes. These easy-to-grow veggies require plenty of heat and sunshine. You’ll need at least two tomatillo plants since they aren’t self-pollinating. It’s also helpful to grow them alongside aromatic herbs and flowers that attract pollinators and other beneficial insects to your garden. Growing tomatillos at home is as fun as it is rewarding. Keep reading to discover all the essential tips and tricks for getting a bumper crop of tomatillos this year!

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Learn how to grow tomatillos in your home garden.

How to Grow Tomatillos: 7 Fundamental Tips

Discover how to grow tomatillos and keep the plants flourishing in your garden until harvest time. These plants are super fun to grow and immensely satisfying to harvest. The fruits offer a brightly tangy flavor and require between 75 and 100 warm days to mature, depending on the variety.